imago dei

Scrolls of a radical pragmatist and healing of the mind, heart, and spirit… liberation from oppression and tyranny.

Month: November, 2013

the soul of Reign

ultimate rain, the one who raises the dead / the one who bestows the gift, raised / we too embrace, the cause of way / verify, know, the true way / the dark way of chaos, before the light of day / an intervention of collective history, judgement day / order of liberation. the oppressed, exploited, and de-humanized / service to an internal cult of lies, privatized / power dominates idols of dominion, massacred / converting lives, from enslavement to sacrifice / beauty, glory, and gratitude this life / sin, evil, and despair are insufficient plight / of sorrow, pain, and hell, externalized / no separation of spiritual and temporal sight / black matter eyes delight…

the paradigm liberation sings, listen to the wind sing / the earth speaks to our inquiry / world oppression, no help for the weary / co-existence of justice in solidarity, visions of love / social dynamics in human responsibility / vulnerabilities, between shame and humility / severity of the guilt un-grieved, space to breathe / seed the soul with peace and relief / release from the evil that lives beneath / cure the rage with healing. reach / internally for liturgical breach / mysterious revelations through new experience / permeable aura of amore deliverance / diligence in quantum rhymes / bugle horns announce the prime / shadows of symbols and signs…

with gratitude

Engre Poet.  Know life to give / freezer of solace memories unlocked / talk of denouement, systems unblocked / release in existence, temporally clocked / true of existence, through a corn stock, maze / true of the mind, look past the gaze / through the haze.

stare of the eyes / days go by and still oceans for days / play in the waves / body motion, oxitocin, breathing begins / past the sigh of self-contempt / past the lies of suspense / auto-noetic travels through time / freedom of choice, beauty in mind / freedom to win with rhymes–of gratitude.

Engre Poet, hear the lines / hear the voice in your thoughts in time / hungry for sustenance in legal ties / hungry for mercy, security cries / the line of injustice broken in time / mystical lyrics of healing the mind / prophet heal yourself… the crime / Fernhill Metaverse… lyrical grind.